Shining Force Introduction

    From Shining Wiki

    The following is a translation of the introductory text in the original Japanese release of the game.[1] The last line of each section gives the text from the English localization for comparison.

    JP およそ1000ねんほど むかし・・
    TL Long ago, some 1,000 years in the past …
    NA In ages long forgotten...
    JP きよき心を 光とよび 悪しき心を やみとよんだころ
    TL When the pure-hearted were called Light, and evil-hearted called Darkness.
    NA ...Light fought Darkness for control of the world.
    JP やみのけしん ダークドラゴンは はかいとさつりくを くりかえしていた
    TL The incarnation of darkness, Dark Dragon (ダークドラゴン, dākudoragon) destroyed and slaughtered time and again
    NA Dark Dragon led the evil hordes of Darkness.
    JP 神々とのそうぜつな戦いのすえ ダークドラゴンはとらえられた
    TL After a fierce battle with the Gods, Dark Dragon was captured
    NA The Ancients fought back with the Powers of Light.
    JP そして 神々のてにより ちのそこに ふういんされた
    TL And by the hands of the Gods sealed beneath the earth
    NA Dark Dragon was defeated and cast into another dimension.
    JP 「我ハ カナラズ ヨミガエラン 1000ネンノ ノチニ・・・」
    TL “In 1,000 years shall my resurrection be certain …”
    NA The Lord of Darkness vowed to return in 1,000 years.
    JP そして ときはながれ でんせつは わすれさられようとしていた
    TL And time came to pass. This legend was entirely forgotten
    NA Time passed, and Dark Dragon was forgotten by all.
    JP 人々は えいえんとも おもわれる へいわなときを たのしんでいた
    TL People were enjoying a peace that seemed endless
    NA Ten centuries of peace ruled the land of Rune.
    JP しかし そのせいじゃくをやぶり
    TL But the quietness was broken
    NA Until the kingdom of Runefaust brought war and fear to Rune.
    JP ひがしの大国ルーンファウストが とつじょ しんぐんをかいしした
    TL The great nation of the east, Runefaust, suddenly began to advance
    NA Hordes of evil creatures ravaged every land.
    JP 人々は おそれおののき
    TL The people shook with fear
    NA Here and there, strongholds of Good still held out...
    JP この力にたいこうする すくいのてを まちのぞんだ・・・
    TL They eagerly awaited help to stand against this power ...
    NA ...awaiting a Hero who could wield the Powers of Light!


    1. Shining Force: The Legacy of Great Intention (シャイニング・フォース 神々の遺産, Shainingu Fōsu: Kamigami no Isan, "Shining Force: Legacy of the Gods"). Climax Entertainment, Sonic! Software Planning. Sega, March 1992.