Table of Contents
- Welcome to the Shining Lore & Translation Wiki! This wiki is in the early stages of its composition with research now encompassing 148 articles. More coverage is to follow.
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The purpose of the Shining Lore & Translation Wiki is to catalog information pertaining to the stories, settings, and characters depicted in the games in Sega's Shining series. This includes the early games developed by Climax, Sonic, and Camelot and extends to later releases developed by other studios like Nextech, Amusement Vision, Neverland, and Media.Vision.
Coverage also includes games by related developers, as well as games originally planned as Shining games that were eventually released without the brand, such as Land Stalker and Ragnacënty.
This wiki intends to serve as a resource for references related to the original Japanese releases of the games and their relevant publications by providing translated materials and translation notes. The wiki also provides a directory for scans of such publications.
Articles related to individual characters, specific settings, and other story elements are likely to contain unmarked SPOILERS for their associated games. These articles are generally intended as a supplement documenting key information for readers already familiar with the materials covered and for those interested in clarification of known details.
This wiki does not follow an in-universe perspective and records information as it is presented in each piece of media without regard for any single overarching canon. Articles are written using references that are authoritative to the given source material.
The Shining Lore & Translation Wiki maintains an ethos of game research and preservation. As such, it also seeks to document the development histories of the Shining games covered.
This wiki does not serve as a gameplay strategy guide.
Game Information
Series Creators
- Climax Entertainment (株式会社クライマックス, Kabushiki Gaisha Kuraimakkusu, CLIMAX Inc.)
- Sonic! Software Planning (株式会社ソニック, Kabushiki Gaisha Sonikku, Sonic Co., Ltd.)
- Camelot Software Planning (株式会社キャメロット, Kabushiki Gaisha Kyamerotto, Camelot, Co., Ltd.)
- Nex Entertainment (株式会社ネクスエンタテインメント, Kabushiki Gaisha Nekusu Entatēnmento, Nex Entertainment, Co., Ltd.)
- Neverland Company (株式会社ネバーランドコンパニー, Kabushiki Gaisha Nebārando Konpanii, Neverland Co., Ltd.)
Artists are arranged by their first entry in the Shining series.
Shining and the Darkness
- Yoshitaka Tamaki (玉木美孝, Tamaki Yoshitaka)
Shining Force Gaiden
- Hiroshi Kajiyama (梶山浩, Kajiyama Hiroshi), pen name of Kensuke Suzuki (鈴木健介, Suzuki Kensuke)
Shining Force II
- SUEZEN (スエゼン), pen name of Fumio Iida (飯田史雄, Īda Fumio)
- Fumihide Aoki (青木文秀, Aoki Fumihide)
Shining Wisdom
- Shin Yamanouchi (山内真, Yamanōchi Shin)
Shining Tears
- Tony Taka, pen name of Takayuki Tanaka (田中貴之, Tanaka Takayuki)
- Masaki Hirooka (廣岡政樹, Hiro-oka Masaki)
Shining Force Neo
- Yuriko Nishiyama (西山優里子, Nishiyama Yuriko)
Shining Force EXA
- pako, a.k.a. 葉上 and 宮沢波宏
Shining Force Feather
- Noizi Ito (いとうのいぢ, Itō Noiji)
Shining Force Cross
- Shishizaru (獅子猿, Shishizaru)
- Ryota Murayama (村山竜大, Murayama Ryōta)
- Masahiko Yoshimura (吉村政彦, Yoshimura Masahiko)
- Masaki Wachi (和智正喜, Wachi Masaki)
- Victor Ireland, Localization Editor
- Kan Naito (内藤寛, Naitō Kan)
- Kenji Orimo (折茂賢司, Orimo Kenji)
- Hiroyuki Takahashi (高橋宏之, Takahashi Hiroyuki)
- Tsuyoshi Sawada (澤田剛, Sawada Tsuyoshi)
- Seeː Shining Media
Setting Information
- Rune (ルーン大陸, ルーンたいりく, Rūn Tairiku, "Rune Continent")
- Guardiana (ガーディアナ国, Gādiana Koku, "Country [of] Guardiana")
- Altarone (アルタローン国, Arutarōn Koku, "Country [of] Altarone")
- Runefaust (ルーンファウスト, Rūnfausuto)
- Metaphaluna (メタファルナ, Metafaruna)
- Endias (エンディアス, Endiasu)
Story Concepts
- Legacy of the Gods (神々の遺産, kamigami no isan)
- Great Intention (大いなる意思 or 意志, Ōinaru Ishi)
Races and Peoples
- Cantaur (キャントール, kyantōru, "kyantaur", EN: Cantaul, Cantore)
- Ancient (古代人, kodaijin, "ancient people")
- Star Eye (スターアイ, Sutā Ai)
- Hudol (ヒュードル, Hyūdoru, EN: Vandal)
Characters are arranged in order of first appearance.
Shining and the Darkness
- Max (マックス, Makkusu, EN: Hiro)
- Mephisto (メフィスト, Mefisuto, EN: Dark Sol)
- Trevi (トレビー, Torebii, EN: Spirit of Light)
Shining Force
- Max (マックス, Makkusu)
- Rag (ラグ, Ragu, EN: Luke, Lug)
- Tao (タオ, Tao)
- Gantz (ガンツ, Gantsu, EN: Guntz)
- Otranto (オトラント, Otoranto, EN: Otrant)
- Dark Sol (ダークソル, Dāku Soru, EN: Darksol)
- Adam (アダム, Adamu)
Shining Force Gaiden
- Nick (ニック, Nikku)
- Ruth (ルース, Rūsu, EN: Ruce)
- Shade (シェイド, Sheido)
- Sig (シグ, Shigu)
- Wendy (ウェンヂイ, Wendii)
- Apis (アピス, Apisu)
- Clay (クレイ, Kurei)
- Stock (ストック, Sutokku)
- Barry (バリー, Barii, EN: Claude)
- Waldor (ウォルドル, Worudoru, EN: Woldol)
Shining Force EXA
- Toma (トウマ, Tōma)
- Gadfort (ガドフォール, Gadofōru)
- Mabel (メーベル, Mēberu, EN: Maebelle)
- Cyril (シリル, Shiriru, EN: Cyrille)
- ↑ Shining Force: Rebirth of Light and Darkness (シャイニング・フォース~光と闇の再生~). DateNaoto, featuring Yoshitaka Tamaki, Tanuma Yuuichirou, 2022. [Physical] [Digital]